Post by 棘
Post by 棘
myrmepropagandist( says:
I find it fascinating how people often talk about "social media" in the same way they talk about smoking or eating jelly donuts or getting spray tans.
It's seen as a vice, something enjoyable but ultimately "bad for you"-- but I think this bad reputation has a lot to do with what we have let social media become. We treat it like it's not important. Like it's superficial and for vain shallow people who practice puffery.
In reality it's the central hub of news, media and cultural distribution.
myrmepropagandist( says:
I find it fascinating how people often talk about "social media" in the same way they talk about smoking or eating jelly donuts or getting spray tans.
It's seen as a vice, something enjoyable but ultimately "bad for you"-- but I think this bad reputation has a lot to do with what we have let social media become. We treat it like it's not important. Like it's superficial and for vain shallow people who practice puffery.
In reality it's the central hub of news, media and cultural distribution.
Post by 棘
棘( says:
棘( says:
Post by 棘
这山的石头 🪨不行,尽管受着酸性溪水(从水边蔓生的酸性蕨类植物可以看出来)的冲刷,但瘦漏透皱质色纹,一个不占,又就剩下形了。
这山的石头 🪨不行,尽管受着酸性溪水(从水边蔓生的酸性蕨类植物可以看出来)的冲刷,但瘦漏透皱质色纹,一个不占,又就剩下形了。
Post by 棘