Post by 棘
Steve Herman(@w7voa@journa.host) says:
404 - A declassified World War II-era government guide to “simple sabotage” is currently one of the most popular open source books on the internet.
Steve Herman(@w7voa@journa.host) says:
404 - A declassified World War II-era government guide to “simple sabotage” is currently one of the most popular open source books on the internet.
Post by 棘
Prof. Emily M. Bender(she/her)(@emilymbender@dair-community.social) says:
DeepSeek hot take: The emperor still has no clothes, but it's very distressing to the emperor that their non-clothes can be made so much more cheaply.
Prof. Emily M. Bender(she/her)(@emilymbender@dair-community.social) says:
DeepSeek hot take: The emperor still has no clothes, but it's very distressing to the emperor that their non-clothes can be made so much more cheaply.
Post by 棘
真是无孔不入!再过若干年之后,人们连打电子游戏都不会了。悲观归悲观,人的娱乐还是要去搞一点脱离虚拟的玩意儿,跟真实世界的联系复杂度多了,AI就难以渗透。(It's pervasive! After several years, people can't even play video games. Pessimism returns to pessimism, and people's entertainment still needs to engage in something that is out of the virtual world. The connection with the real world is much more complicated, and it is difficult for AI to penetrate.)
Max Leibman(@maxleibman@beige.party) says:
Microsoft announces Xbox Copilot. This new AI gaming companion will play and enjoy video games for you, freeing you up to focus on work and chores.
真是无孔不入!再过若干年之后,人们连打电子游戏都不会了。悲观归悲观,人的娱乐还是要去搞一点脱离虚拟的玩意儿,跟真实世界的联系复杂度多了,AI就难以渗透。(It's pervasive! After several years, people can't even play video games. Pessimism returns to pessimism, and people's entertainment still needs to engage in something that is out of the virtual world. The connection with the real world is much more complicated, and it is difficult for AI to penetrate.)
Max Leibman(@maxleibman@beige.party) says:
Microsoft announces Xbox Copilot. This new AI gaming companion will play and enjoy video games for you, freeing you up to focus on work and chores.
Post by 棘
无论智识见闻高低,人皆有不可逾越之固有局限,若固执一念,不求变通,或早或晚必将为时代所淘汰。俗语有言 “长江后浪推前浪,前浪死在沙滩上。” 恩格斯曰 “除却变化,吾未见他物存焉!”皆言之夯然也,
癸卯初,人工智能方兴未艾之势愈加凶猛,有识者皆往变之,甲辰年稍弱之,乙巳年或又起波澜。由此观之,求变已成今人之所共识 (故咱不再论变之重要)。然能穷人工智能之究竟,能破其假相见本质以得真变者,鲜矣 (此局中人不可摆脱之局限之故也)。
无论智识见闻高低,人皆有不可逾越之固有局限,若固执一念,不求变通,或早或晚必将为时代所淘汰。俗语有言 “长江后浪推前浪,前浪死在沙滩上。” 恩格斯曰 “除却变化,吾未见他物存焉!”皆言之夯然也,
癸卯初,人工智能方兴未艾之势愈加凶猛,有识者皆往变之,甲辰年稍弱之,乙巳年或又起波澜。由此观之,求变已成今人之所共识 (故咱不再论变之重要)。然能穷人工智能之究竟,能破其假相见本质以得真变者,鲜矣 (此局中人不可摆脱之局限之故也)。