Post by 棘
真是无孔不入!再过若干年之后,人们连打电子游戏都不会了。悲观归悲观,人的娱乐还是要去搞一点脱离虚拟的玩意儿,跟真实世界的联系复杂度多了,AI就难以渗透。(It's pervasive! After several years, people can't even play video games. Pessimism returns to pessimism, and people's entertainment still needs to engage in something that is out of the virtual world. The connection with the real world is much more complicated, and it is difficult for AI to penetrate.)
Max Leibman( says:
Microsoft announces Xbox Copilot. This new AI gaming companion will play and enjoy video games for you, freeing you up to focus on work and chores.
真是无孔不入!再过若干年之后,人们连打电子游戏都不会了。悲观归悲观,人的娱乐还是要去搞一点脱离虚拟的玩意儿,跟真实世界的联系复杂度多了,AI就难以渗透。(It's pervasive! After several years, people can't even play video games. Pessimism returns to pessimism, and people's entertainment still needs to engage in something that is out of the virtual world. The connection with the real world is much more complicated, and it is difficult for AI to penetrate.)
Max Leibman( says:
Microsoft announces Xbox Copilot. This new AI gaming companion will play and enjoy video games for you, freeing you up to focus on work and chores.